‘La Traviata’ Bead Dress and Wings ‘Queen of Hearts’ Tutu 1885 Red Blue Bustle Gown 1885 Bustle Cage Leather Corset 'Orion and the Goatman’ Tent Barber of Seville Top Hat Pulled Straw Hat Tristan und Isolde Felt Pulled Hat Pancake Hat Falstaff Carmen M. Butterfly Red Leather Tailcoat ‘Babel’ Stork Puppet Zoot Suit Triadic Ballet Elizabeth & Mary 1870's Beachwear Extant Garment Pattern Lifting La Finta Felt Origami Fake Snow Distressing Frosted Oranges Don Quixote 17th Century Coat Russian Doll Modern Nomads Business Stays Two Toned Pants Little Women Musical Production Her Grand Solo